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  • Hi Nino, I'm truly grateful for your help! I solved this error according to your suggestion,but it didn't completely solve my problem.I will try to describe what happens when I debug. I resolved this error by setting the function SystemInit() to "Program Execution Point where memory init is complete".The program SystemInit() runs in Flash.So,I can debug my program by Ozone. But I can't view my C source file in the code box while the program is executing in main(), and I can't break points in the…

  • Hi Nino, Your help is greatly appreciated!Your advice was helpful,but it didn't solve my problem completely. First of all,I'm sure I have function "main()". second,I'm not have code optimization active that might remove debug data. I try to describe what happens when I debug. Keil has a function that allows you to set load section and execution section by using scatter file(.sct).MCU RT1020 has a TCM memory .The TCM system memory is from address 0x0000_0000 to 0x0003_FFFF.And the FlexSPI(Connect…

  • Hello, I got an error when I opened the.axf file in a new project:"Invalid startup completion point "main": symbol address could not be determined". May I ask what causes it? My current test environment: MCU:NXP RT1020(Cortex-M7) IDE:MDK-Arm v5.29 C Compiler:Armcc Assembler:Armasm Linker:ArmLink Hex Converter:FormElf The console log is as follows: .. Help.About(); File.NewProjectWizard(); Project.SetDevice ("Cortex-M7"); Project.SetHostIF ("USB", ""); Project.SetTargetIF ("SWD"); Project.SetTIFS…