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  • Hi, I have integrated Systemview on my target with ARM9 CPU SAM9x60. As this is ARM9 it does not support RTT and hence I am trying for singleshot. My interface to board is Jlink. When I start SystemView on my PC and select Target->Start Recording, it shows be messages as in attachment1. When I click on OK, the other message Recorder starting remains for some time and green progress runs quickly and message box closes. After that I select Target->Read Recorded Data and it gives me message1 as in …

  • This is resolved after referring to sample project.

  • Hi, I referred SystemView manual for integrating it in my application. My application is FreeRTOS based. As per manual section 4.2, SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf() to be called in main() for initialization and as per comments in SEGGER_SYSVIEW.h file, this function is application provided. But I am not clear what is to be implemented in this function to initalize SystemView? Can anyone help please? Another confusion is that for application with FreeRTOS, there is another documentation present at below lin…

  • Thankyou Sebastian. I want to check in my test application as for how much time all tasks remains idle and is it possible to detect things like memory corruption by any task. I will purposely introduced some memory corruption by overloading buffers and let task corrupt the memory and may cause system to crash. In such a case will SystemView be able to show problems? Will I need RTT for detection tasks idle time and application crashing issues? Thanks, Pradeep

  • Hi, I have SAM9x60 board with FreeRTOS based test application. I want to check Systemview usage to analyze the tasks in test application. I have Jlink Base compact hardware module to connect SAM9x60 board. I want to know if SystemView can be used with SAM9x60 MCU with Jlink Base compact. Thanks, Pradeep