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  • Hi, Thanks for your answer! I didn't realize there where also examples for IP and UART in the system view target download, so thank you very much! I understand the documentation is not great, but that was the reason why I tried the forum. So I will continue with the example! Best regards, Boris

  • Hi, Nobody has an answer to my question? Can I clarify things, so you guys can help me better? Please give me a hint which part of the question is unclear for you.

  • Hi, I have a few questions about creating an IP recorder / UART recorder for SystemView. I already studied the example ( Use SystemView UART Recorder - SEGGER Wiki ), but it is still not entirely clear for me. The API defines 4 functions which can be used to send RTT data via other channels like: UART or TCP/IP: SEGGER_RTT_ReadUpBuffer, SEGGER_RTT_ReadUpBufferNoLock (for reading RTT data from the target to SystemView application) and SEGGER_RTT_WriteDownBuffer, SEGGER_RTT_WriteDownBufferNoLock (…