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  • [SOLVED] External Tool Invocation

    kdeko - - Ozone related


    Thank you for the reply Fabian. We couldn't find any way to do it, but we just wanted to verify we weren't missing anything. Good to know, we'll find another workflow.

  • [SOLVED] External Tool Invocation

    kdeko - - Ozone related


    Hi, Is there any way for Ozone to be configured to run an external tool, such as a compiler (or a make script)? Since we can edit code in Ozone while debugging - it would be beneficial to be able to remake the project from within Ozone, and then restart the debugging session. Thanks, kd

  • I didn't see any threads on this issue. The User's Guide indicates that "SystemView can be controlled and configured via command line options" but doesn't provide any examples of how to do so. On both MacOS and Windows, trying to use SystemView from the command line just seems to continuously generate errors. Does anyone have any working examples of how to use SystemView from the command line? Thank you!