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  • I figured oput that the problem belongs to a bug in Jlink. With V6.88a and earlier versions all is working fine. V6.88b is the first Version where is it not possible any longer to program/erase a RX65N device. Even the current versions like V6.94b and V6.96b beta are not working for this device.

  • I just made another try to erase a specified area. I got some addresses that JLink accepts. But entering J-Link>erase 0xFFFF000 0xFFFFFFFF leads to another error: ****** Error: Failed to erase sectors 0 @ address 0xFE7F5D00 (unspecified error) ERROR: Erase returned with error code -5. Many thanks in advance for your support!

  • Hi, I would be grateful if you could help me please with the following issue. If I start JLink with Shell-Script (1 line) and entering a single 'erase' leads to following error: Shell-Script (22 lines) On Windows I got this sometimes working very randomly. The Version is SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.88c (Compiled Dec 4 2020 18:07:30) On Linux with JLinkExe I always get that error message. (V6.94A, Jan 14 2021) Even adding a extra device command or adding a Commanderscript like described here segge…