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  • Correction: I had my telnet command wrong (telnet localhost:19021 instead of telnet localhost 19021). With the corrected command, I'm able to get RTT output for v6.46g (I mistyped this above as v2.46g). The issue with JLinkRTTClient appears to have been introduced v6.46e -- v6.46d works. Telnet does work for all versions I've so far tested.

  • I recently updated to jlink tools version 2.46g, and RTT from both JLinkExe and JLinkGDBServer appears not to work at all. My specs: - JLink tool version: 2.46g - OS: Linux, Ubuntu 18.04 - JLink Adapter: JLink Plus compact - Firmware: J-Link V10 compiled Jun 14 2019 19:25:26 - Hardware version: V10.10 - MCU: nrf52832_xxaa - SEGGER_RTT runtime version (from SEGGER_RTT.h): 6849 - This is the version bundled with the NRF SDK (version 14.2.0) When I start JLinkExe, it runs and connects successfully:…