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  • Custom Palette

    FirmwareDev - - emWin related


    Hi, I currently use emWin with a device with a custom palette in which the palette is defined in LCDConf.h. However I would like to make a change to this palette and do not know how it was generated. How are the array of Hex values for the colours generated by emWin? The palette generated by the Bitmap converter for emWin does not seem to be easily importable. Thanks

  • Hi there, I am currently using emWIn on an embedded system and am trying to implement a Virtual Screen. The actual size of the screen is: #define LCD_XSIZE 320 #define LCD_YSIZE 240 and I am trying to increase it to #define LCD_VYSIZE 480 #define LCD_VXSIZE 832 however while I can increase LCD_VYSIZE with no problems I cannot increase LCD_VXSIZE without effecting what is displayed on screen (e.g if I set LCD_VXSIZE to 640 I double the size of everything displayed on screen ). Is there a setting …