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  • Disable-Force Bank2 Boot

    williamc - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, we have a JFlash Project for programming a STM32F437VH device. This has worked fine for a long time erasing flash and then programming and then booting from Bank0 (which as I understand is the only bank that could support booting - I don't think chip is dual bank (or doesn't have a bootloader version to support). Yet recently after programming it appears that the programmer is occasionally causing the chip to boot from 2nd bank causing it to crash. I'm thinking there must be some option t…

  • Thank you, that appears to do the job. I still see the interface but I think that is set by the -min command. As you said the -NoGui just suppressed user messaged.

  • No I haven't - does this somehow force response to Yes?

  • Hi, since implementation of RDP Level 1 on a product I am receiving the expected message as expected when I connect via JTAG using JFlash. Image lock.png attached We are running the connection, erase, programming and application launch through JFlash command line Is there any way to automate this through command line? I can of course click Yes and Remember but it wasn't clear when you click Yes if a setting changed. Sorry if this question is poorly written or incomplete - very new to this. Thank…