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  • CSTACK size for Embos.

    gregfox - - embOS related


    Hi, I //**********************************************************************

  • Unable to halt ARM core

    gregfox - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Thanks for your answers, I will try to debug in RAM in the future as you advise. Regarding the Jlink tool, I've tested it but without success. In the J-Flash ARM tool, I select the "automatically unlock sectors if necessary" on all sector. I cannot halt the core anyway. Greg

  • Unable to halt ARM core

    gregfox - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hi Oliver, I use flash configuration. Indeed, I need a lot of RAM memory for my program. I have a filesystem installed in the RAM (32kb). I also use 12 kb of RAM as buffers for USB transfert. In this case, I'm not sure to be able to run in RAM configuration ? Is it correct ? Anyway, I noticed that the "unable to halt ARM core" case happens when I upload, "by accident", a program with wrong memory mapping (the linker file). The question is then : Is there a solution to get back control on the ARM…

  • Hi, I'm working on STR7 using IAR and Jlink. Sometimes, the ARM core doesn't answer. The Jlink says "unable to halt ARM core". I can't get back my CPU after reset, RAM boot etc... I've tried everything according IAR or segger recommandations. I've installed the latest version of JLINK driver, but without any success. When it happens, the only solution I've for the moment is to remove the chipset and replace it...expensive.... Do you have any idea how to get back control on the ARM core ? Thanks …