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  • Hi all, I'm trying to debug my custom imx7ulp board with my JLink using Ozone. This works fine when I'm flashing the target with 'Download and Reset Program'. But what I need to to is to flash the application into QSPI flash and then use 'Attach to running Programm' after I already started the processor. The application states, that it is connected to the processor, but when pausing the application I end up in the nowhere. Before I used IAR EWARM. There I was able to attach to the running progra…

  • Hi all, I am using RTT on my imx7ulp custom board through a J-Link debugger. This worked fine as long as I execute all my code from RAM. Since I moved parts of my code into the QSPI flash storage and also execute from there RTT stopped working. I already adpated the address range to the reagion (in RAM) where the RTT control block is located. Connecting the RTT viewer works as before, but I wont see any output from my device anymore. Are there any limitations for RTT with XIP? Thanks Klaas