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  • Hello, Thank you for the clarification, perhaps i will give ozone a try. Best regards. H.N.

  • Hello, We want't to debug a Renesas Synergy Platform MCU. It's a Synergy S7 with Cortex M4 Core running at 240 MHz and equipped with 4MB Flash / 640 kB Ram. The debugger we use is a jlink ultra+ V4.4, the serial number is 504402241. So the start of the debug session is not a problem, but when we make some changes, recompile and download the changed version nearly everytime this message appears: 'Download' has encountered a problem. Failed to execute MI command: load "C:\\Users\\myname\\Workspace…

  • Hello, These are good news to hear, so now we can order the latest emWin Version. (I allready studied the release notes and corrections of 6.28 but I didn't saw anything about the dropbox widget, but perhaps I don't realize something..) Best reagrds.

  • Hello, Is this problem allready fixed or will it be fixed in the near future ? (We want to purchase a up to date source code license of EmWin but we need this working) Best regards.

  • Hello everybody, I'm using the Library Version STemWin V5.44 My hardware : STM32H7B3I-EVAL with an 800x480 Display at RGB565 I have a problem using a Swipelist with attached Dropdown widget. When the Dropdown gets expanded the created Listbox doesn't move when the Swipelist gets touched, the Dropdown widget get's moved alone. Even worse, when I touch the scrollbar of the expanded Listbox, not only the content of the Listbox is moving, also the underlying Swipelist moves. When I try to make the D…