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  • Hi Nino, Thanks for the reply, I believe the device is detected as secured as our SAM device is in sleep mode when I access it via Jlink. I see this message and issue only when I access the SAM device when it is in sleep mode. Is this behavior known? We are in need to connect and read the memory of the target which is in sleep mode, While doing so we do not want the target to be reset as we are reading the RAM memory. Is there any way or possibility to do so?

  • Hi Nino, Thanks for the reply, We are using a SAML21 xplained pro hardware kit from ATMEL. The following is the commander session, I have highlighted the difference between your commander session and mine. Can you please let me know why the 'secure' issue occurs, What do I need to do to read the memory without causing a reset or mass erase?

  • Hello, I am using SAM ICE debugger in Jlink SWD interface to connect with SAML21J18 xplained pro board, I want to read a particular memory address of the RAM of the target device (SAML21) using Jlink SWD. I use a commandscript command.jlink with the following commands device ATSAML21J18B speed 4000 if SWD mem 0x20007FFF 1 I face a problem When I pass the command file to jlink.exe, the target device goes to an unknown state. This problem exists only when the commands "mem 0x20007FFF 1" or "w1 0x2…