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  • Hi, Thank you very much Schoenen, i am now able to use the function GUI_MTOUCH_StoreEvent() and run the MTOUCH_ScratchAndGesture.c demo on my board. I was missing the whole "create_inputs" handeling i also had to add WM_SetCreateFlags(WM_CF_GESTURE); to my code to make my dialogs able to react on gestures; I am encounting a new problem now : i want to be able to detect a swipe gesture from left to right (using WM_GF_PAN i guess) This bit of code is working : i can switch screens using gestures C…

  • Hi Segger Community, In my GUI, i'm trying to navigate between windows using gestures. - WINDOW 1 => BUTTON PRESS => WINDOW 2 => SWIPE RIGHT (pan gesture) => WINDOW 1 In my understanding, gestures are managed by the multitouch module. Unfortunately there is no informations nor examples on how to implement the function GUI_MTOUCH_StoreEvent() My guess is that this function need to be implemented in the same place than the GUI_TOUCH_StoreState(), aka inside the touch controller function. but when …