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  • Hi, I have found with try and error the problem. Now I am thinking that is a bug from ozone. The variable qSoll is type of float and if I enter in Watched Data window in value field the '1' then in the uC memory field will be not updated, the memory still contains the value 0 but in the Watched Data window will be shown the value '1'. If I enter in Watched Data Window the value '1.01' then everything is working properly. What do u think? Is it a bug?

  • Hi, I am very new with Ozone and I cannot change the value of a global variable to see the programm's reaction after the manipulation of the value. I tried with an expression but when I step in assembly code and the variable has been loading in the register, the register has the default value, in my case 0. I use Ozone V3.26 and J-link OB. When I try with STM32Cube IDE embedded Debugger, then I can manipulate the global variable. Can you help me because it looks very strange.…

  • How to plot variables in a gui ?

    ntosis - - emWin related


    Hi, I have a question, I used the GUI Builder to build a small GUI for my Nucleo. The GUI is working fine and i want to plot some variables in the GUI. I use a TEXT_Widget and a special callback function to change the Widget for my purpose. I use the following function _cbText, but this widget stays always frozen. I searched a bit in the manual and I found only a very bad workaround, I use this code C Source Code (5 lines) to trigger the refresh of the text widget when an event occurs . Could so…

  • i suppose that the strings are ok because the library writes pixel per pixel the display but with the other functions like , GUI_FillRect() , the library does not write pixel for pixel, logic, but she writes in GRAM the area and then sends only the color for every pixel. So i think, but i don't know why, the display driver cannot understand the format and i have this strange green color. Could some one help ? I used the function GUI_FillRect(100,100,110,110); and the debugging is the following :…

  • Hi to everyone, This is my first post and I am glad to hear from you and to help me with my issue. I use a Nucleo l152RE with 32 Mhz Crystal and a 320x240 pixels Display with the driver ILI9325. The display is connected with a 8 pins parallel interface. I have a strange behavior, some functions like GUI_Clear() and GUI_FillCircle() and etc. are not working properly. I use the following draw function for test purpose. C Source Code (28 lines) The result is the following picture, as you can see th…