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  • Hello Daniel! Unfortunately we do not have any evaluation board or different variant of the STM32WB55 available. I just tried a FUS download on a brand new chip. It behaved like in the listing below: (Hidden Content) The difference to your listing is, that at the end of the download RSS finds no valid image or signature. Thank you very much for your help! Kind regards, Norbert

  • Hello Daniel, thank you very much for your reply! Basically we are programming the bare ic. But the connection to the signals is made via a 3M Textool ZIF socket on a custom pcb (schematic is attached, J2 is the µC, X1 is the JTAG/SWD connector). Also attached is the log-file. I generated the file using the "-Log <path>" commandline argument with jlink.exe Thank you very much for your help! Kind regards, Norbert

  • Hey Everyone! After several unsuccessful tries to update the wireless stack of a stm32wb55ceu6 according to this howto: SEGGER Wiki/STM32WB55, I searched help and found this forum page: [ABANDONED] Wireless stack update not working for STM32WB55. I am experiencing similar problems like the user "robson". Unfortunately the original thread has been abandoned, so I opened a new one. Here is my jlink.exe output... Connecting to the programmer: (Hidden Content) Trying to program the BLE-stack: (Hidde…