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  • I have a situation where it looks like the information in the Intstruction Trace and Call Stack windows are inconsistent. I am using Ozone V3.28c, J-Trace Pro V2 Cortex-M, STM32F205ZG processor. Target interface is JTAG, 20 MHz, 4 trace pins, 120 MHz CPU, 10M max instr count. The Call Stack and Cortex-M HardFault Exception window both indicate a precise data access error has occurred at address 0x20020040, executing in the FreeRTOS function xQueueSemaphoreTake(). (See attachments.) The Instructi…

  • [SOLVED] step over isr

    rlepage - - Ozone related


    Greetings! Is there a way to not step into an isr when single stepping after reaching a breakpoint? I am debugging an STM32F7465 with Ozone. I have a periodic external interrupt being generated in my system, and after reading a breakpoint my single step debugging quickly drops into the isr and remains there because the ext interrupt keeps occuring in tens of ms. Thanks, -Rob

  • [SOLVED] tiny toolbar icons

    rlepage - - Ozone related


    The reply from profanum429 solved the problem. Thanks!

  • [SOLVED] tiny toolbar icons

    rlepage - - Ozone related


    Win 10 Enterprise Version 1909 OS build 18363.1139

  • [SOLVED] tiny toolbar icons

    rlepage - - Ozone related


    Greetings! I just started working with Ozone (V3.20g) today. The toolbar icons are so small as to be unusable. How can these be made larger? Thanks, -Rob I found a work around for my problem here, only use start icon for Ozone instead of Eclipse: Quote from axhuelsmann: “Here is what to do for an easy solution: 1. Go to the start icon of your eclipse or PLCXpressoand 2. Click your right mouse bottom 3. Go to down and click properties 4. Click compartibility 5. Check overwrite high DPI scaling 6.…