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  • Sven what is the current status

    harsha - - emNet related


    When can we expect file upload?

  • CGI script execution error

    harsha - - General


    OK. I could fix it. In server thread I got to register FileInfo callback routine before creating Process. IP_WEBS_SetFileInfoCallback(_pfGetFileInfo) IP_WEBS_Process(_Send, _Recv, Context, _pFS_API, ...... Then I got to specify definition for "WEBS_PARA_BUFFER_SIZE" in WEBS_Conf.h #define WEBS_PARA_BUFFER_SIZE 128 These two changes were missing. Execution of CGI scripts as virtual files works with these changes.

  • CGI script execution error

    harsha - - General


    I am looking for an example of IP/ webserver to execute CGI script. I downloaded example for windows. I changed definition for WEBS_Application to accept additional argument for virtual files. C Source Code (1 line) Also added definition for virtual files C Source Code (1 line) Then in WebServer_Win32.c I added definition for Send handler and updated application C Source Code (5 lines) With this when I call localhost:8080/Send.cgi?FirstName=Sriharsha&LastName=Vardhan , I am getting Not Found The…

  • Clarification about web server

    harsha - - embOS related


    Hi I am on working Cortex M3 with latest embos. Request you to clarify me about following points 1) What verbs out of HTTP 1.1 are supported by web server 2) How to specify custom MIME formats 3) Is there any possibility to use any kind of HTML Template Engine? Thanks in advance Regards harsha