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  • The dependencies problem solved when I installed the latest version Systemview. But, Its seems like I not able to install stm32ide, jlink and systemview together. I have to remove stm32cube ide inorder to install jlink, at the same time I have remove jlink to install stm32cude ide. Any solution? I need some serious help guys.

  • I have installed seggar systemview in my ubuntu 20.04. But when I try to run sytemview in my terminal, it gives an error. Could not open J-Link shared library. Exiting now. I followed the below link to solve the issue but I am unable to find /lib64/ in my pc. I have also tried to install the latest version of JLink, but the installation failed with error. dpkg: error processing archive JLink_Linux_V684a_x86_64.deb (--install): trying to overwrite '/etc/udev/rules.d/99-jlink.rules', w…