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  • Is the Code > Library > Library Heap option (in Project or Solution options) set to something other than None? The heap works for me -- my placement file includes these placements for the heap and stack: Source Code (6 lines)

  • I have an SES project that uses a pre-build step to generate a header file used later in the build. I also have a Docker container intended for CI builds so that I can use emBuild to build the code on any host OS. If I use the container on Windows, the pre-build step is executed. If I use the container on a CI machine, the pre-build step is not executed, and the build fails (because the expected header is missing). The emBuild invocation is identical in both cases: Source Code (3 lines) emBuild …

  • HI Nino, Options added under Code > Code Analyzer > Analyze Command Options C++ aren't applied to the Analyze command unless a new command is defined in Code > Code Analyzer > Analyze Command. I defined a new command that looks much the same as the built-in, removing the macro -D__GNUC__ and adding two new macros (see example below). Analyze is working for me again. Thanks, -Adam Source Code (2 lines)

  • Using clang-tidy to analyze code is a great feature. Unfortunately, analyze doesn't work on my codebase (a mix of C/C++) when using v7.32. Compared to v7.30, SES v7.32 adds three new switches used to run clang-tidy and modifies one: Source Code (9 lines) The failure is always in the same header: Source Code (13 lines)Has anyone else seen this and got ideas for a workaround? Thanks, -Adam

  • Stepping back to JLink v7.58e didn't fix the problem so I went back to v7.60g. The application can be debugged using Visual Studio Code and JLink GDB server. The problem appears to be in Ozone, not JLink, and not in the application itself.

  • I have a prototype application for an nRF52840 target built using SES v5.70a. Ozone v3.26b can load the ELF application and program the application into flash memory, but crashes after connecting to the target (after the breakpoint at main() is reached). The crash is repeatable using Ozone on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Jlink v7.60g for Windows 64-bit is installed. The application is configured to enable and use RTT. Doing a full-chip erase with nrfjprog -e doesn't help: after Ozone downloads the…