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  • Hi I would like to use Universal Flasher and FlasherATE to program PIC16F72, PIC16F73 and PIC16C773 but I can't find these devices at the list in Universal Flasher! Are they not supported or is there another model that can do it? Thanks in advance Bjarne Jørgensen

  • Hi Michael and Arne By take a near study of the of the data I found out that I could do this. #auto patch 2 4,02,02:DC6E,28,1C:07E40D010000007B000000000000000100000000000000000003DC6E,68,1C:07E40D010000007B000000000000000100000000000000000003DC6E,A8,08:07E40D010000007B Thank you very much Michael and Arne You have been very helpfull. Best regards Bjarne

  • HI Michael Ok, then I can't use this option, because I got six Pathes to load for each device and according to manual only 4 is allowed. Best regards Bjarne

  • Godmorning Michael I tried the patch way, but it didn't work. I have added Patches.txt and Serial.txt Module2 directory. Then did: #status #selmodule 2 #select 2 flasher.uni #auto 2 It did program the DUT, but did not use the patches. I can see that the Serial.txt was incremented by 1. ?: Should the flasher ATE not patch all lines in the Patches.txt? I can see that despite it has incremented the serial.txt, it has not patched the first line. attachment: files from Flasher ATE Regards Bjarne

  • Hi Arne and Michael I'm very pleased. It works now. 5V is king Now to the next question: My data layout is a little bit special: For every DUT i have to program, a lot of the data is different. Not only serial number. My data layout is 64 byte long and repeated 3 times. At byte 2 and 3 there's a Checksum At byte 40, 42, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 i got date and serial number. This repeated from byte 64 and from 128 How is the best way to change these bytes on the flasher. Can I go into the Flasher.d…

  • Hi Michael According to Data sheet for 24LC025 microchip, the page size is 16! See attachment. The HW setup is not write protected. See attachment The board with the EEPROM is powered up and supplying the eeprom with 5V My connection from flasher is on SCL, SDA and GND. Should I connect 5V pin from flasher too? Another thing: Is it possible to get Flasher ATE to add a line feed after each response on telnet? Regards Bjarne

  • Hi Arne This is programming commands and respond from Flasher: #status #ACK #STATUS:READY #selmodule 2 #ACK #SELECTED:2 #Select 2 flasher.uni #ACK #OK #auto 2 #ACK #RESULT:2:ERR255:Error while flashing #DONE Here is output from port 42: #STATUS:INITIALIZING #STATUS:ERASING #STATUS:PROGRAMMING #STATUS:VERIFYING #ERR100:Verify error at page address: 0x00000000 #ERR255:Error while flashing #STATUS:READY I have attached the files located on Flasher ATE Regards Bjarne

  • Hi According to the manual AN08007, extension is not needed: You can check if the Flasher ATE is ready to accept commands using the command #status. If yes the answer is #STATUS:READY. First, choose the project file taht shall be flashed. Use the command: #select [modulenumber] [project file name], e.g. #select 1 FLASHER. Repeat the step for every module. Note The file extensions are added by the firmware.

  • If I do this: #select 2 flasher.uni (instead of only #select 2 flasher) It still fails, but in log file it says only: SN: 0 - Failed and the flasher ATE has produced a file more called "Serial.txt"! Regards Bjarne

  • Hi Arne I tried #select 2 flasher instead but it didn't help. Log file says: ERROR: Failed to open flasher config file SN: 1 - Failed Is "port 42" the serial port on Flasher ATE? I don't have a serial device. Need to get one before I can do it.(tomorrow). Regards Bjarne

  • Hi I manage to use the universal flash loader. I have downloaded to the Flasher ATE with success These files are placed at folder "module002" 6051.dat FLASHER.UNI I2CEEPRO.PEX I try flash the EEPROM (24LC512) via Telnet In telnet I do: #status => OK #select 2 6051 => OK => ACK #selmodule 2 => SELCTED 2 #auto 2 => ERR255: ERROR while flashing. If I FTP to flasher ATE, I can see a file "Flasher.log". In the log is writhed "SN: 1 - Failed" Also the flasher has produced another file "Flasher.ini". I…

  • Thanks:) Is 24C512 the same as 24LC512 in terms of programming?

  • Thanks Arne The device is not at the list in Universal Flashloader App. Do I then need to make a custom flashloader? Thanks in advance Bjarne

  • Hi Is it possible to use Flasher ATE to program a EEProm 24LC512 from MicroChip? /Bjarne