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  • Hi, I have tested by changing the chip name in .jflash device as "Freescale VF6xx_A5_ParallelMode" but the device does not boot. When I change the QSPI Boot configuration parameter to Parallel Mode enabled, it does not work/boot. JFlash works well in non parallel mode (single mode) but does not work in parallel mode. Can we expect Parallel QSPI mode support in JFlash for Cortex A5 in near future? Regards

  • Hi, I have seen in JLINK release notes that 1. DLL/J-Flash: QSPI flash programming support for Vybrid Cortex-A5 devices added. 2. DLL/J-Flash: QSPI parallel mode flash programming support for Vybrid Cortex-A5 devices added. I am working on QSPI Parallel Mode Flash support on Vybrid Cortex A5 board. Without Parallel mode, I am successfully programming the image and my board is booting. For enabling QSPI Parallel Mode, What should I do for programming the image? I have JLINK Pro. version 4.3 Firmw…

  • I am working on Freescale VF5xx target (similar to TWRVF65GS10 board but has only one core i.e. Cortex A5). When I terminate the debug connection (I am using Sourcery Code Bench), JLINK probably goes to invalid state. In that case, I am unable to launch new debug session until 1. I power cycle the board or 2. I power cycle the JLINK or 3. I reset the JLINK using JLIINK.exe file (r command is used) Regards

  • Can we reset a target some where in jlinksettings file i.e. [BREAKPOINTS] ShowInfoWin = 1 EnableFlashBP = 2 BPDuringExecution = 0 [CFI] CFISize = 0x00 CFIAddr = 0x00 [CPU] OverrideMemMap = 0 AllowSimulation = 1 ScriptFile="" [FLASH] MinNumBytesFlashDL = 0 SkipProgOnCRCMatch = 1 VerifyDownload = 1 AllowCaching = 1 EnableFlashDL = 2 Override = 1 Device="VF5XX" [GENERAL] WorkRAMSize = 0x00 WorkRAMAddr = 0x00 [SWO] SWOLogFile="" [MEM] RdOverrideOrMask = 0x00 RdOverrideAndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF RdOverride…

  • Hi I am actually using the JLink's DLL to communicate with JLink directly rather than using the external GDB server.

  • Hi, I am trying to load/Flash my binary on Internal Flash (Address: 0x08000000; Size 2MB) using JLINK (V4.76e) but it is not loading; see attached image for error message However, If I try to load and then execute program on Internal Ram only (SRAM; Address: 0x20000000; Size=192K) using JLINK, it is loading and executing fine. Moreover, If I try to load and then execute program in Internal Flash and Internal RAM using STM32 ST-LINK Utility, It is loading and executing fine. Also, If I try to loa…

  • I am working on STM32F429I-EVAL board with JLINK (Ver 4.76e) as Probe. I have successfully loaded and executed the hello world program on Internal Embedded SRAM (0x20000000; Size = 192K). But I am unable to access Embedded Internal Flash (0x08000000; Size = 2MB). Moreover, Internal Flash is working fine with STM32 ST-LINK Utility (Version 3.1.0) Is there any programming sequence to enable this Flash? Is there any multiplexing by default?

  • Hi Does Jlink software version 4.58a support sabre lite platform [using DDRAM]. I have tried to connect but following error message is generated *** Error Message *** arm-none-eabi-sprite: Opening device(s): arm-none-eabi-sprite: hostname=(null), port=0, path=58006903 arm-none-eabi-sprite: options: arm-none-eabi-sprite: settings-file=D:\install\sabre_lite.jlink arm-none-eabi-sprite: semihosting=off arm-none-eabi-sprite: Semihosting is disabled. arm-none-eabi-sprite: Trying to load DLL 'arm-none-…

  • Hi How it is possible to Read/Write Peripheral or DDR2 registers in JLINK Script file for TWRK70F120M Target. Thanks

  • Hi Thanks for your valuable suggestions. I think the board has been locked & secured permanently and can not be programed now. It is also verified by Board Vendor. Bye

  • Hi Thanks for your valuable and fruitful answer. It works. Bye

  • Hi Thanks for your answer. Where is JLinkSettings.jlink file?

  • Thanks for your answer. Two different IDE's are used: CodeBench & CodeWarrior What is "DLL built-in flashloader"? Is " DLL built-in flashloader" will unsecure and enabled the mass erase option at this stage.

  • Hi I am working on K60N512 board. It was working fine some days ago but due to growing size of code, Flash Configuration Filed (0x400 to 0x40C) of Program Flash Area has been updated accidentally. Now I am unable to connect to the board and load the program in Program Flash. ******************************************************************************************** When I try to connect using JLINK (JLink.exe), Following message is displayed. ****************************************************…

  • You may use version 2012.03.28. Currently, I am trying a simple bare metal project having only one file say first.c with code #include <stdio.h> int factorial(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return n * factorial (n - 1); } int main () { int i; int n; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { n = factorial (i); } return 0; } There is no special project setting/configurations

  • Hi Sorry for late reply. CodeBench Version: Sourcery CodeBench Version: 2012.03-69 JLINK Version: JLinkARM_V442b Sample Project: #include <stdio.h> int factorial(int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return n * factorial (n - 1); } int main () { int i; int n; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { n = factorial (i); } return 0; }

  • Hi I am trying to load bare metal C Program [calculating factorial of a number] on K70F120M using JLINK [JLinkARM V442b] and CodeBench. When I try to load in RAM [internal], it is loaded and executed successfully. But when I try to load on ROM [program flash], it is not connected. Following error message is displayed. Failed to execute MI Command. -target -download Error Message from debugger back end Error finishing flash operation Is JLink Support Programming Flash on K70F120M board? If yes, A…