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  • Hello, I'm (still) trying to add a new RISC-V device to Open Flashloader. I've created the .elf file as per the instructions here: It seems as though the linking for the Debug configuration is controlled using the sram_placement_riscv.xml file, but the Release configuration uses This seems odd, as I've had to modify both to suit my memory map. Having done this, I now get the error "ERROR: Specified flashloader exceeds max. size…

  • Hi, I'm bumping this in the hope that someone will remember something. I'm pretty much stuck with this, and not sure what to try next. The error messages suggest to me that JFlash is trying to load the .elf file I created with Segger Embedded Studio into RAM, but failing, because it can't stop the core. I don't understand why this would happen, because I can download and run / step / decode the debug version successfully. Has anyone seen this error message before? Have I interpreted it correctly…

  • Hello, I'm trying to add a new device to Open Flash Loader, and having problems. I have followed the instructions here as far as I can tell. When I do a debug build, my code programs / erases / reads back from the flash as I expect. When I use J-Flash I can select my device from the dialog, and connect OK, but when I try to read back I get the folowing error: ...... - Start of preparing flash programming - End of preparing flash programming - …