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  • I'm not sure I'd agree with Johannes here about "most toolchains". Sure, this is true for most "build systems" (e.g., Make), but they are all painful to use. HolyDiver is asking for a little "magic", and it's a legitimate ask. CMake (which does support what HolyDiver is after via target_include_directories (issued on a library target), and target_link_libraries (issued on a lib or exe target to import what's needed from the dependency) is a generator of input files for various build systems. And…

  • For many years the cmake build system has supported a very useful usage model where as part of defining a library target, you can specify the include search paths for public dependencies via the `target_include_directories` command. These search paths are stored by the build system until the library is later linked into an executable via the `target_link_libraries` command. At this point the necessary include paths are propagated upward so the source files of the executable can be built using th…