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  • Hi, After some research, I realized that I was wrong: I don't need Tensorflow Lite C API but Tensorflow Lite For Microcontroller (TFLM) '-_-. I started with a simple main.cpp before switching to c. So I generated my static library: I installed an Ubuntu WSL to make the TFLM makefile. I got the *.a file and I added it in "Project Option > Common > Code > Linker > Additional Input file : ../../libtensorflow-microlite.a I also added the paths of TFLM. I added libtensorflow-microlite.a in a project …

  • ok, yes, I agree with you, in SES, I add all necessary path for my project in "Options project > Code > Preprocessor > User Includes Directories". But, According to the documentation (…tensorflow_lite_c_library), I generated a TensorFlow Lite C API shared library with the following commands cmake. This generated the following file "tensorflowlite_c.dll". I add my library but it's not type *.a but *.dll . (see image.png) cmake generated not library *.a Also, accordin…

  • Hello, Thank you for your reply. However it is a static library written in C that calls functions in C++. (Tensorflow Lite C API).…/master/tensorflow/lite/c…tensorflow_lite_c_library First, I integrated it in my project (in C language with all nordic library) by adding the paths of the library in "preprocessor". To test, I simply wrote a hello word : ********************************************************** #include <stdio.h> #includ…

  • Hi everyone, How to add a file.dll to a project ? I have a shared library with my file .dll and I would like to integrate it into my project with a Nordic nrf5 board. But in "options" tab , I don't see anything to add. In the manual, I saw that there were macros : * $(HostDLL) $(HostDLL) – String * The file extension for dynamic link libraries on the CPU that SEGGER Embedded Studio is running on e.g. .dll. * $(HostDLLExt) $(HostDLLExt) – String * The file extension for dynamic link libraries use…