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I ordered another M0 breakout board and I have the exact same issues. I suppose it's possible my JLink EDU or cable is bad?
I was playing with this more tonight and still can't get anything going. I'm able to step through whatever is running on the M0. It looks like the write test, fails, however (which may be why it can't load the file to target). Still no helpful output, though. Source Code (3 lines)
I bought the JLink EDU because I'm interested in learning how to write my own bootloader. I'm running Linux and have installed the JLink utilities from the .deb provided by Segger. I purchased an Aruduino clone with a Cortex M0 on it. I'm able to connect to it, read registers, halt it. etc. However anytime I try to load a firmware to it all I get is "Unspecified error -1". This isn't very helpful unfortunately and I can't seem to find a way to get more verbose output. Here's an example from invo…