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  • want to create/debug FreeRTOS code in the M33 core of an i.mx9 I have previousely worked with STM32 devices and J-Link base and use VisualGDB VisualGDB seems not to support the i.MX9 Is Jlink-Base (maybe with an SW upgrade) and then either Segger OZone or Segger embedded studio a recommended path or are there issues I should look at?

  • is fixed, was a mistake with clock settings. STM3220G eval board works with J-Link The thread could be closed, but I can not do it myself, I think

  • trying to get a STM3220G eval board with a STM32F207ZG debugged using J-Link and Win-GDB. I did that already with similar setups (but not with this eval board) so in principle I know it works. Get an error like "failed to connect to the GDB stub" and the following log: C:\Program Files (x86)\SEGGER\JLink_V498e\JLinkGDBServerCL.exe -select USB -device STM32F207ZG -if SWD -speed auto SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V4.98e Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V4.98e (DLL compiled May 5 2015 11:00:52) -----GD…