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  • Nuvoton And AppWizard

    kadirsrht - - emWin related


    yeah this code was be useful Source Code (5 lines)

  • Nuvoton And AppWizard

    kadirsrht - - emWin related


    I use this code use for example. But ı dont see in live expression screen the values C Source Code (35 lines)

  • Nuvoton And AppWizard

    kadirsrht - - emWin related


    Hi. I development a project. Youtube video and image under to this title. I need read values the gauge 1, gauge 2 and gauge 3. How can ı get values gauge because I must use this values for pwm. I'm sorry my english is basic level. İmage Youtube Video

  • Nuvoton And EmwinGui builder

    kadirsrht - - emWin related


    Hi everyone. I have a ili9341 driver tft lcd and m032kg nuvoton development board. I would like make a design with segger emwin gui builder and upload nuvoton board but there is no such example. Can you help with this problem? Thank you.