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  • Hello, we use the ARM flasher in Production to flash the nRF5283 IC. Our customer want now to set a readback Protaction. I tried to set the readback protection with the MCU exit steps, but it didnt work. Then i find in your Forum this tread: [SOLVED] J-link portable NRF52 recover but I didnt understand how i can use this via MCU init or exit steps. Can you please give me the config to set the readback Protection in stand alone mode? My Jflash file looks like that (Hidden Content)

  • Hello, I use a batch file to starting the programming in our production. The batch file ist called by an other programm. The flashing function, but if one board had in issue and can't be flashed, so the batch file closed and i dont get an answer that something is wrong. my batch file looks like that. start /min /wait "J-Flash" "C:\SEGGER\JLink_V640\JFlash.exe" -openprjC:\xxxx\0.jflash -openC:\xxxx\abc.hex -auto -exit What can i do to get an return value for any error massage.