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  • Sorry, I missed your answer. What I want is a way to have Ozone display a std::vector as a kind of C array in local, global or watch window. You can have this with gdb and pretty printers ( For ex: without pretty printer, if polls is a std::vector in C++ ,it would be displayed as: polls._M_impl polls._M_impl._M_start polls._M_impl._M.finish ... With pretty printers, it would be displayed as polls[0] = ... polls[1] = ... ...

  • Hello, Is it possible to see with Ozone the content/size of a C++ std::vector like it can be partially done with pretty printing in gdb ? Thanks.

  • Hello, I am working on Ubuntu 20.04 with Eclipse on a NXP LPC1830 chip. I am using a JLink Pro probe. I have noticed that when debugging and if I try to read 'this' in a C++ function, I am losing the connection to GDB and debugging stops. I have attached the JLink log file (middle removed else it was too big to be attached) And here is the JLink GDB server output (cut also in some place) Don't know what I can do more to investigate this issue... --------------------------------------------------…