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  • I tried to disable the blank check and reduce the clock speed but no changes. Same result. The previous log is coming from the jflasher.

  • I did more test. During all my the test, the cpu appears to be not halted - the internal program is in execution because it print some log on the serial port and I can the traffic. With the commander, I have the same results of your example. When I read some memory it dumps the content. I tried again with the flasher to read the entire chip/sector and it gives me some error (look below) but if I read only a range of memory it works. I'll continue with dumping manual ranges. Thanks Source Code (1…

  • I used j-flash to read the memory and it fails. Tomorrow i'll try with the commander.

  • Thanks for the replay. I seen the support this chip here…hp?model=flasher-portable . Also it is present on the document of jlink 633g "ReleaseNotes_JLink.html" (should be included a file "MPC5606B.jflash" but it is missing). Anyway I tried to read the internal flash but if the processor is not in halt state, your program stop after a while. At this point, is this MPC5606b supported or not?

  • I'm using a mpc5606b where is possible to read the cpu id but when i read the flash (it is unprotected) , the processor cant be halted. I tried different reset type but no way to stop it after the reset.