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  • Hi! I'm trying to connect my JLink to the NXP i.MX6ULL EVK. Unfortunately this fails for now. Here the current log: $ JLinkExe -device MCIMX6Y2 -if JTAG -speed 1000 -JTAGConf -1,-1 SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.60d (Compiled Jan 9 2020 17:47:03) DLL version V6.60d, compiled Jan 9 2020 17:46:47 Connecting to J-Link via USB...O.K. Firmware: J-Link V11 compiled Jan 7 2020 16:52:13 Hardware version: V11.00 S/N: 51000154 License(s): GDB VTref=3.333V Type "connect" to establish a target connection, '?' f…