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  • Dear Martin Hi, Thanks for the update, I use keil to make new projects, not stm32cube, maybe the bug comes from there. Please try to make a new project using keil only, there is a checkmark with in the device the triggers stm32cube framework code generation, that I use that for initing peripherals, Please checkout this image

  • Dear Martin Hi Thanks for the update, Now it compiles, Please add the updates to the new release, also I wanted to test the embos on stm32F0 parts too, they needed stmcube code generation for new project to be setup, But if I add embos to the mix, it would generate errors, is there a video or document showing how to make new projects with keil using your embos, because it's a fantastic os and I dn ot know why I should use FreeRTOS or RTX, when I have the embos option. Here is the error for the n…

  • Also Please note that my keil version is 5.38 and I'm using arm compiler version 6.19 and I have also tried to compile your STM32F103_STM32_SK example, and I would get the compilation error like this Quote from keil: “Build started: Project: Start_STM32F103 *** Using Compiler 'V6.19', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG\Bin' Build target 'Debug' Setup/Retarget.c(345): error: conflicting types for '_sys_tmpnam' int _sys_tmpnam(char * pBuffer, int FileNum, unsigned MaxLen) { ^ C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCLANG…

  • Dear Martin Hi, Thanks for the update, I have used the default keil startup file Adding the EXPORT Stack_Mem and EXPORT __initial_sp would generate some errors, Now I have uncommented the c code required for embos to it's original state like this C Source Code (3 lines)and I have replaced the startup file content with the STM3210E-Eval board link that you have sent, And Now instead of 2 errors requiring Stack_Mem and __initial_sp to be exported, I would only get one error and if I add the these …

  • Hi I have setup a simple project to test embos with stm32f103rbt device, I just used the default settings, after changing the default complier warnings to MISRA compatible and changed the C standard to C99 and C++ to C++11 most of the errors would go away, But still there is two errors Source Code (2 lines) So after searching I think I should make these symbols exported in the startup assembly file, So I tried to use these lines in the startup assembly file like this Source Code (7 lines) But it…

  • Hi Suppose I have a window with multiple edit objects, now when I click one of them another windows would appear and the user could change the values. I have called the CreatekeyPadWindow(); inside the case WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED: for edit objects, so the question is how should I pass the edit values to the keypad dialog for manipulation and return them back to the original window? I have used one global int for doing that for now, but the problem with that is that I have multiple windows and m…

  • Hi I can program and debug LPC4337 internal flash and everything works perfectly using keil and j-link. the problem is that when I disconnect j-link and reset the LPC it would not boot again, but using flashmagic to flash the code if I tick" activate flash bank" every thing works perfectly. I wanted to know how to resolve my problem for flashing LPC4337 with j-link that would boot up after a reset. Regards

  • Hi is there something missing? I'm using J-link with keil to debug LPC4337, but It will fail debugging here is the output window, I hope it would help Quote: “ Load "C:\\Users\\ASiDesigner\\Desktop\\New folder\\Objects\\Starlabs.axf" Set JLink Project File to "C:\Users\ASiDesigner\Desktop\New folder\JLinkSettings.ini" * JLink Info: Device "LPC4337_M4" selected. JLink info: ------------ DLL: V5.10l, compiled Feb 11 2016 18:55:09 Firmware: J-Link ARM V8 compiled Nov 28 2014 13:44:46 Hardware: V8.0…

  • Hi, Thanks for your reply and the offer, actually It's really hard to send you the hardware, because it's not in a case yet and it maybe damage during transportation,So I have a nice new Idea, Maybe you could use team viewer to access the hardware and software! and in that case you could update your support for the great j-link what's your opinion? Regards

  • Please help me! I need your help,where can I find additional info?

  • Hi, Could someone please help me to update the script?or does we have one already?

  • Hi,thanks for the answerThere is a project in the installation folder of j-link Quote: “C:\Program Files\SEGGER\JLink_V502k\Samples\JLink\Projects ” and the project name is LPC4350_DualCore_Debug_IAR_EWARMV630 So what changes should I make to the script,Please help me Regards

  • Hi I have successfully manged to debug a dual core version program, now I have expanded my project to 3 cores! the program works perfectly and I can debug the M0 and M4 cores correctly, but I can not debug the M0SUB core,Please note that I'm using the script which has shiped with j-link example project for debugging So do we have a certain script? how should I solve my problem? Brainfuck Source Code (4 lines)

  • when I start a new project and set it for Cortex M0, the j-link can not detect the JTAG chain,but in the M4 project the j-link can detect three cores,I have manually deleted the JLinkSettings.ini file from M0 project and copied the M4 JLinkSettings.ini to M0 project,Now j-link can detect the cores, and when I select the M0 core the M4 core will start and stop, In other words I still could not do a debug on M0 core, Please see the pictures…

  • Thanks,Johannes. I have solved the flash download problem, But now when I start debugging M0 after the M4 core, my debugger start and stop the M4 core instead, Would you please show a simple dual core working project? that would be highly appreciated. Regards

  • Hi, I have build a dual core project on LPC4370, ,It works perfectly. But I can not start debugging on Cortex M0 core, j-link complains flash downloading fail! my code is in RAM for cortex M0, here is the M0 project setup, you can see Keil setup in here, Do you have any idea what's wrong?