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  • Quote from SEGGER - Fabian: “Hi, sorry for the delay in response. This is on our ToDo already, however we did not manage to implement this as the demand for this feature is currently still very low, so other projects are prioritized. Support is planned until the end of this year. If you require this feature earlier, you could add it yourself for your device, using a J-Link Script FIle with an InitTarget() function establishing the connection: …

  • Hello My chip currently only supports JTAG2SWD that supports Dormant. Jlink currently does not support this method to switch JTAG to SWD. Are there any support plans or how to set it up? Thank you See ARM's official documentation: page139 dormant method to switch JTAG to SWD

  • Quote from SEGGER - Erik: “Hello, I just noticed that we received the same request via our ticket system. Sorry for the delay in response, your inquiry got overlooked somehow. This should of course not happen. As you are within valid support period, we will get back to you regarding this their ASAP. Sorry for any inconveniences may caused. Best regards Erik ” hello Erik Today I tested the v7.00 version of the software, and the bug I raised has been resolved in this version, thank you Below are m…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Alex: “Hello, So far, your chip seems to be the only one out there that does not support the traditional JTAG / SWD selection sequences. We do not have seen any other request reg. this in the last couple of years since we support SWD. There are currently no plans to add the Source Code (1 line)sequence within the next 6-12 months, as this makes the connection sequence for *all* other devices slower because J-Link does not know if it is talking to a device that needs this or s…

  • hello My chip can't switch from JTAG to SWD by using the SWD command of j-link commander v6.98c. The reason is that the chip only supports the mode of dormant operation (Figure B5-4), but doesn't support the mode of 0x79e7 (Figure B5-1). Doesn't JLINK support the mode of dormant now? Or how can I use JLINK to switch my chip from JTAG to SWD。 thank you appendix 1. Switching method of b5-1 mode…

  • Quote from SEGGER - Erik: “Hello, I just noticed that we received the same request via our ticket system. Sorry for the delay in response, your inquiry got overlooked somehow. This should of course not happen. As you are within valid support period, we will get back to you regarding this their ASAP. Sorry for any inconveniences may caused. Best regards Erik ” I mentioned the submission in ticket system. I see no response, so I post here for help. I hope to fix this problem as soon as possible. T…

  • The official document of arm is too large to upload file list: coresight_soc600_technical_reference_manual_100806_0401_00_en.pdf debug_interface_v6_0_architecture_specification_IHI0074C.pdf

  • Arm official documents and jlink log

  • Hello : I used jlink v11 to connect cortex-m55. Since the AP IDR value is the latest arm IDR: 0x34770008, the jlink software did not recognize this type and thought it was not AHB-AP, so an error was reported later. Attached are my test log and related screenshots, as well as the official arm's explanation about this IDR. Please help confirm whether this is a jlink bug or jlink does not support cortex-m55? Thank you…