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  • Hi, We are using Segger Appwizard tool to create our GUI design. We are using around 28 .xbf files to support different font sizes and styles in our design. In that 6 font files will be used for multi language and each font file size is around 5MB. So, our fonts itself takes 30MB of the flash memory. When we load this code into our board, it takes almost an hour to execute the APPW_CreatePersistentScreens() function. I would like to know what the above function does. How to reduce the time of ex…

  • Hi, We are using Appwizard tool to design our GUI. We will be using multi language support. We have to use separate font files for Chinese and Japanese as some characters use common codepoint in both languages. But I understand that we need to use a single font file for all languages as we can set only one font file for each text. How to handle this condition for texts which have translation. How to switch between font files? Your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi, We still face this overlap issue. Any help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi Florian, We used the Appwizard V1.36b_6.32b to design the window. We have used an ID_TEXT_MEAS_VAL to update the measurement values as and when it is changed. The value is passed as string to this ID_TEXT_MEAS_VAL from the application. APPW_SetText(ID_SCREEN_HOME, ID_TEXT_MEAS_VAL_C1, g_Str_PriMeasVal); Initially the update is ok. After sometime the overlap issue occurs. Your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi, I am facing the issue of display value getting updated on top of the existing value without it being cleared. This doesn't happen all the time. What could be the possible root cause for this issue? please find attached the image for your reference. Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi, I have the right motion partner set in my design. Please find the attached screen shot. I am using Appwizard version V1.36b_6.32b Thanks.

  • Display distorted on screen swipe

    TechGUI - - emWin related


    Hi, I have created few screens and while swiping from the first screen to the second screen the following ripple effect is observed in the simulation. What could be the cause of this issue? Your help on this is appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi Florian, The .xbf file which has problem is created using the Appwizard. I opened it in fontconverter to view it. Even with the "View all chars" inactive it is same. I have attached the screenshot. The font converter version is V6.10. Thanks.

  • Hi Florian, I am attaching the .xbf file again as it showed some error previously. Thanks.

  • Hi Florian, Please find attached the .xbf file. Thanks.

  • Hi, I have issue with the fonts generated by the Appwizard. There are many missing fonts in the .xbf file generated by Appwizard. I have attached the .xbf file generated using fontconverter (Screenshot 340) and the .xbf file created by the Appwizard (Screenshot 341). Only basic Latin characters can be found in the file created in the Appwizard. What is causing this issue? Your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Button animation effect

    TechGUI - - emWin related


    Hi Florian, Is there any example implementation for reference? Thanks.

  • Button animation effect

    TechGUI - - emWin related


    Hi, Is it possible to create a ripple effect button as shown in below link (circular button) using Appwizard? Thanks.

  • Hi, I will be using the RA8877 external display controller via the SPI interface to interface with the 7" AZ display. I would like to know if the segger emWin supports RA8877? RA8877 has internal drawing engine and multi buffer support etc. Can these be used directly by segger emWin? Also, which display controller driver should I use for RA8877? Your timely help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi Pauli, Is it possible to share the changes you made for RA8875 to work with emWin? I will be using RA8877 with SPI 4 line interface. Thanks.

  • Hi, I have already created an Appwizard project with the display size of 480x320 for my evaluation board. In case if I want to change the same project for my actual LCD of size 1024x600, is there a way to do that so all my components in the screen gets relatively adjusted to the new size? Thanks.

  • Missing pixels while updating

    TechGUI - - emWin related


    Hi, while changing screens or updating the data, some pixels are missing or getting updated slowly. What could be the possible reasons for this? Your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Main_Task for GUI in APPwizard

    TechGUI - - emWin related


    Hi Sven, Thanks for your reply.

  • Main_Task for GUI in APPwizard

    TechGUI - - emWin related


    Hi, I would like to know how the below lines of code work in Main_Task in the GUI. while (1) { while (GUI_Exec1()) { APPW_Exec(); } APPW_Exec(); PRINTF("GUI task ...\r\n"); GUI_Delay(50); } why should we call APPW_Exec(); twice? Will the PRINTF call which I have placed, be printed everytime? I sometimes see that the serial messages are not printed and it looks like its still in GUI_EXEC1(). When will such situation occur? Your help on this is highly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi, Thanks for your response. I am able to set the horizontal and vertical swipe for screens. I design a screen with multiple overlapped windows and if I want to set the swipe for windows, how should that be done? Thanks.