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  • I have converted a windows font MingLiu with the Font Converter with following settings: Font Type: Standard, Encoding: Unicode, Font: MingLiU. I use following code to try to display the characters: C Source Code (1 line) With the above code, nothing is displayed on the lcd. When I use the encoding method of Shift-JIS in the Font Converter, the characters are displayed fine on the LCD by using the resulting c file. C Source Code (1 line) Thanks in advance for your help. Zubair Hameed

  • Compilation error

    Zubair Hameed - - emWin related


    I am using the emWin core on the Renesas HEW embedded platform. I have set up the emWin core code as a library. The library project is compiled and built fine. When I use the library from the main project, I get linker errors for all functions starting with LCD_L0_xx. The path is setup for the \Config and \GUI\Core fodlers. The cource code for the main project is as follows: C Source Code (1 line) Any help would be greatly appreciated. Zubair Hameed **Note: I found the solution to the above prob…