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  • Thanks for the detailled response. I double checked and none of the 2 points (unused function linked at 0x0 and productive code in RAM) are occuring in my project. I will monitor this in future projects to see if it is still appearing.

  • Quote from SEGGER - Nino: “ This is not confusion. Ozone simply displays what you configure in your elf file. This is correct behaviour. If what you configure is wrong, Ozone will correctly show a warning to remind you about it. What is the point of having a unused function section which you place over already existing execution areas? ” There are no unused functions placed over already existing execution areas. However, this is what Ozone is showing and telling me. This is confirmed by the map …

  • Hello, Thank you all for your responses. This issue is not related to typical code jump in debugging due to optimization. In addition, the code concerned with this issue is not generated on RAM code. I have identified what seems to be causing this issue but i can't explain it. The application uses a module which contains unused functions. The unused functions are marked to be located in the address 0x0 in the map file for unused components. When i link the application at address 0x0, the unused …

  • Hello, When debugging a specific build, i have a yellow warning symbol in front of some lines of code, see image attached. When i hover over the symbol, i get the following message: "Value may be incorrect: runtime code areas (RAM) not yet initialized." What does this message mean? This also seems to cause unexpected code jumps into unreleated code sections when stepping through the code line by line. Do you have an idea of what is going on? Thanks.

  • Hi, I have a need to automatically reconnect and re-attach Ozone to my target after a hardware reset. I need to perform this action because i am doing automatic coverage tests using semihosting and some test cases require a reset of the board. Currently, when i perform a reset during a debug session, it shows a pop up telling me "Failed to read target status. Abort debug session?" which is understandable. Now, i was wondering if there are some options or settings that would allow me to do that? …