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  • Thanks, but the Files could be easily extracted from the Windows installer.

  • Sorry to say, but JLink_Linux_V784b_x86_64.rpm doesn't contain the samples either.

  • I downloaded the most recent "J-Link Software and Documentation Pack" as 64bit rpm for Linux. All contained and online documentation for JFlash and J-FlashSPI refer to examples in a Samples/JFlash or Samples/JFlashSPI folder. These are missing in my installation. The "Flasher Software and Documentation Pack" (64bit Linux rpm) doesn't contain them also. Are the samples missing only in this specific package or have they been redirected to be online resources I just can't find?

  • Hello, I found a press release from 23 may 2008 on the website that says that the J-Link USB Protocol Specification is available publicly. I search around the website but found no related download. Where do I get the documentation? Thanks.

  • I'm using a JLink EDU under Linux. With the command line JLinkGDBServer -device ARM9 -endian little -speed 15000 -port 2331 I can connect to the device and debug it. Now I want to use a jlinkscript and to start I wrote a small test. C Source Code (5 lines)If I try to start this with JLinkGDBServer -endian little -speed 15000 -port 2331 -jlinkscriptfile "Test.JLinkScript" it doesn't work. It complains about an unspecified device and the "Test" string is nowhere to be seen. What is wrong with my s…

  • Hello, I try to tamper with a device that uses an ARM926EJ-S core. I connected my J-Link EDU and on the software side I use JLinkGDBServer with IDA. In the earlier stages of device boot I can halt the execution, read memory, execute steps and all. But at some stage of the boot process I get the following log message: 02-00000000-00-00044481-000F: ***** Error: 02-00000000-00-00044481-0071: T58FF7700 044:482.210 Bad JTAG communication: Write to IR: Expected 0x1, got 0x0 (TAP Command : 12) @ Off 0x…

  • Fixed in V5.02l, thanks.

  • I'm trying to reset my device by the reset pin, but it seems that changing the reset type has no effect: Source Code (33 lines) Am I doing it wrong, or is there some reason the jlink decides against using the reset pin?

  • I'm having problems with J-Link Commander V5.02k under Linux. The output file created by 'savebin test.bin, 0x0, 0x10000' gets quirky/wrong file mode bits. I would expect something like -rw-r--r--. but I get ---x-----t. This older post reports something related under OSX: Missing file acl when using "savebin" under OSX The file mode bits of the log file created with 'log test.log' are ok though.

  • Just a small tip to improve your Linux software package. The file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-jlink.rules should better be put into /usr/lib/udev/rules.d The folder /etc/udev/rules.d is meant for machine dependent configs made by users, not to be overridden by packages. /usr/lib/udev/rules.d is for package files not to be modified by users. More on this topic here: