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  • IMAGE_LoadBMP with 8bpp bitmaps

    kryzys - - emWin related


    Sven, I tried your bitmap, and on my system it also looks corrupted (like pallette was wrong). Is it something with my version of emWin? Best regards, Krzysztof Szewczyk

  • IMAGE_LoadBMP with 8bpp bitmaps

    kryzys - - emWin related


    Hi Sven, Thanks for quick reply. I'm using version: #define GUI_VERSION 54401 Regards Krzysztof Szewczyk

  • IMAGE_LoadBMP with 8bpp bitmaps

    kryzys - - emWin related


    Hello. I'm using emWin library on ST Discovery board (STemWin) and I have problem with loading 8bpp BMP file into IMAGE widget (using IMAGE_LoadBMP function). I'm loading whole file into RAM. Other types of bitmap (24bpp, 16bpp, 4bpp) are working fine. It looks like 8bpp palette is not loaded correctly. Anyone knows what's the problem and how to fix it? Is emWin using some predefined palette to load 8bpp bitmaps (and ignoring the palette which is in the file)? I'm attaching screen from my LCD an…