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  • Hello Nino, Thanks for your reply. Yes I followed instructions in the User Manual and the FreeRTOS specific notice. I only use SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf(); since the manual says that connect SystemView to the MCU starts trace writing. As a sanity check and to be in a configuration closer to the project studied, I managed to run SystemView on the prototype board with a CubeIDE project. It is configured with the minimum to work with STM32L4 and FreeRTOS 10.2.1. In fact, our main issue in the project stu…

  • Hello Nino, Thanks for your answer. I got some news since my first message: - The j-link connection is good. I'm able to use J-link commander and read data in the memory of the MCU. - At the beginning of the RTT block in RAM (currently it is 0x20007040 with a simplified code) we have the ASCII characters for "SEGGER" to help SystemView to find the block - Then, RTT block is found finally bvy SystemView, after an additional build & flash on the board. Now the issue is that no traces are displayed…

  • Hello, Our company is using SystemView to enable runtime thread scheduling analysis on various boards. We are trying to enable SystemView with the MCU STM32L4S5VI on a custom board and we have some issues. Here is the target configuration: - MCU = STM32L4S5VI - FreeRTOS version = V10.2.1 - SEGGER J-Link ARM V9.30 - SystemView version 2.52a and 3.30 (to see if it works on one of them at least) - FreeRTOS patch to enable SystemView applied: [SOLVED] SystemView Kernelpatch for FreeRTOS 10.2.0? - _S…