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  • emWin Library Pixel format issue

    Miren - - emWin related


    Hello Florian, Thanks for the quick reply. Please find the attached zip file which contains LCDConf.c and LCDConf.h file.

  • emWin Library Pixel format issue

    Miren - - emWin related


    We are using a STM32H745 microcontroller interface with 1280 x800 TFT lvds display. RGB data from controller LTDC data convert through SN75LVDS83 IC and LVDS data fed to tft display. we are facing a issue in pixel format which is not update in 0 degree rotation with ARGB8888 color format. also we observe that 180 degree rotation with ARGB8888 format , we got clear resolution and no any corrupted pixel shown. we are using STemWin graphics library. Please suggest 0 degree rotation format with ARGB…