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  • Hi Nino, Sorry for the extended delay in responding. Essentially, when I switch to reset strategy 2, I expect to see the Jlink toggle Reset# low. However, when I issue rx 100, the Reset# line does not toggle low. I can make it go low using JlineExe by issuing 'r0' and release it by executing 'r1', which means the Jlink itself is working fine. I am trying to learn enough to create a JlinkScript that can be used in Ozone to reset this CPU (ATSAMG55J19) properly. FOr some reason, the default reset …

  • Hi, Trying to use Ozone on a Microchip ATSAMG55J19 - CortexM4 target. The standard reset strategy does not work on the target. So, I'd like to direct Ozone to tell Jlink to use Reset Strategy 2 and add a 100 ms delay to the Jlink reset sequence. The Jlink Commander commands for these settings are 'rst 2' and 'rx 100' (instead of just 'r'). What approach should I follow to change the target reset behavior under Ozone? I've looked at some of the scripting available in Ozone, but the objects being …

  • Hi, I'm using a Jlink Ultra on a Cortex-M4 based ATSAMg55J19. The JLink DLL is 7.60c The default reset strategy sometimes fails to gain control of the processor after reset. I can mitigate this by using RX 100 from JlinkExe. However, I'd like to pull Reset# low to get (hopefully) better results and also to reset other devices in the system which are also wired to Reset#. See below. A second question is how to make Ozone set the reset type and reset delay. Thanks, Dale [edt@sleet JLink]$JLinkExe …