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  • Gaby, The 2468 needs to be added to the list for the GPIO bug. I can recreate this problem using only the JLink and the JLink Commander software. No code running on the target. I have LEDs and relays attached to some of the I/O and you can see and hear them change state with a simple read via the JLink Commander interface. When I enable the map indirect via this interface, I can read the registers without corrupting the contents. The problem with EWARM appears to have been an extra character in …

  • Fast GPIO and EWARM

    cdebruin - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello I am using IAR EWARM 5.11 with a NXP 2468 CPU. This thread has been very helpful in understanding this problem. I have managed to use the map commands given to get around this problem using J-Link commander. However, I am still having problems within EWARM. I'm hoping someone can point out what I am doing wrong. I am running the code from RAM and am stopping the CPU just using the halt button. The PC almost always ends up ~0x400037E0 since this is my idle loop. I ended the following into t…