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  • Hello Alex, Sorry, the early thread was close, so I need raise a new one. Very glad to heard latest firmware support A53/72.... But I tried, still failed. jlink.exe show "Could not measure total IR len. TDO is constant high." There is one thing I don't understand, by your early reply the RTCK is important for ARM7/9. But the Edu Mini don't have this pin. another question : after firmware update, it support A53/72, does any one tested with PI ?

  • Hi Alex, This is really really good new. Thanks alot. Then I don't need ask refund from your distributor. I believe alot of developer will get benifet. BR, Yang Ming.

  • Hello Everyone, From this page, Raspberry Pi - Wikipedia, I found Raspberry PI 3 use Cortex-A53 and P4 use Cortex-A72 (I'm newly work for Jtag topic ) From this page J-Link EDU Mini (, "Supports a broad range of microcontrollers" I foundJ-link Edu Mini support Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A72. But, from this page : J-Link EDU Mini V1 - SEGGER Wiki, J-link Edu Mini does not support Cortex-A52 and 72 Which page is correct ? does it support RaspberryPi ?

  • Recently , I bought a J-Link edu mini. Try to connect J-Link edu mini to Raspberry Pi (I have Pi Zero, P3B+), but failed. Get following error when use Openocd. -------------- Error: JTAG scan chain interrogation failed: all zeroes Error: Check JTAG interface, timings, target power, etc. -------------- My setup Target board: Raspberry Pi3B+ SW: on target : latest Raspberry PI OS 64bit desktop (from Raspberry PI websit) SW: on dev-PC: X86 with latest ubuntu LTS. J-Link Driver installed. Use Openoc…