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  • Hello, I downloaded the new release of the IAR EWARM compiler v8.40.1 this morning which included the j-Link v6.44i driver. I am using with an NXP LPC4350 and have been using the same tools for several years now. With these new versions, after I download the code, I can't debug. If I hit the GO tool bar button, the IDE just sets there and doesn't seem to do anything. If I select the disassembly window I can single step through a few lines of code and then it does the same thing. I can't seem to …

  • Thank you very much Niklas! That seems to have done the trick. I can at least download now without any error messages. I will let you know if I see any other issues as I work with it further. Thanks again! Greg Dunn

  • For more added information, I just using the J-Link 6.14h Update utility to roll back the J-Link DLL for IAR 8.11.3 and the error went away. I guess this means that something has changed between J-Link 6.14h and 6.20 that is causing the issue - I am assuming that something related to the __int64 type. Thanks, Greg Dunn

  • Hello, I just upgraded to IAR EWARM v8.11.3 which includes J-Link 6.18b. When I try to download to my LPC4350 M4 target using my J-trace Cortex M3, I get the following error dialog: J-Link Driver Error while compiling J-Link script file. Error while compiling, Line 46, column 3: __int64 v; // We need 35 bits: 32 data, 2 bit addr, 1 bit RnW Syntax error Abort debug session? Yes No I also tried upgrading to v6.20 but the exact same problem still occurs. I have attached the J-Link script file that …

  • Hello, We have several J-Link probes with USB connectors only. I am considering purchasing a J-Link Pro with the Ethernet connector. We are experiencing what is most likely a firmware issue on a unit in the field which only occurs about once a month or so. I am thinking about sending our customer the J-Link Pro and having them connect it to our unit. We have a VPN connection set up to allow us to get onto the customers network. The connection appears somewhat slow at times, but not extremely bad…

  • Hello, I am using a J-Trace Cortex M on a remote computer and running J-Link Remote Server. I am connecting from another computer using IAR EWARM by specifying the IP address of the remote computer in the J-Link configuration. The embedded processor is an LPC4350 dual core M4/M0. I normally run two instances of the IAR EWARM to debug each core at the same time. When using J-Link Remote Server, it gives me an error message: "Max. Number of connections exceeded." Is there any way to allow the two …

  • I think I may have finally figured out the issue on my own. It has to do with the M0 core being allowed to run at some point during the flashing process. In my case the M0 application was writing data to the portion of internal ram where the flashing buffer was located. The data was apparently being changed between the time that it was written to the buffer and before the flashing algorithm wrote it to flash. This would cause the verification step to fail. To fix the problem, I updated the the i…

  • I am using the Hitex LPC4350 Rev A4 evaluation board along with the J-Trace Cortex M with the IAR EWARM v6.40.1.3812. I am running J-Link DLL v4.50m and J-Trace Cortex-M Rev.3 firmware. I have been using this setup for several months. At first everything seemed to work very reliably. As my project got larger, I have started having problems downloading the images to the board. I have tried two different Hitex boards with the same results. The same issue seems to occur with a standard J-Link ARM d…

  • J-Link with the LPC4350

    gregd - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Hello, I am working on a new project with the LPC4350 dual core Cortex M4/M0. I have several older J-Links (hardware version 6.0 and older) and I am getting the following message when I debug the application in IAR: "You are using a J-Link which does not have intelligence for the selected CPU cor (Cortex-M4) in the firwmare...". 1) Is there any way to update the firwmare or are these actually hardware differences too? 2) If I purchase a new J-Link which do you recommend for dual core development…

  • LPC3250 J-Link Error

    gregd - - J-Link/Flasher related


    Alex, I was finally able to create a simple project which repeats the issue. It seems to have something to do with the following two settings: 1) Reset selection under Debugger - J-Link/J-Trace in the project options: If you select "Hardware, halt using Breakpoint". 2) Under the Debugger Options, turn off the checkbox for "Run to main". If the two options above are selected then the problem occurs as soon as you try to view the FPU registers. If you change either one then the problem seems to go…

  • Continuing to have this problem. The watchdog is disabled. We are not using it at all. Thanks, Greg Dunn

  • LPC3250 J-Link Error

    gregd - - J-Link/Flasher related


    I have tried several different settings for the WorkRAMSize and WorkRAMArea which point to internal ram of the LPC3250. It changes the error message I get but doesn't fix the problem. Viewing the FPU registers used to work with previous versions of IAR and J-Link driver. After changing the WorkRAMSize and WorkRAMArea to non zero values, I always get the following error: PC of target system has unexpected value of 0x00000004 after execution in RAM. Abort debug session? After that I can't recover.…

  • LPC3250 J-Link Error

    gregd - - J-Link/Flasher related


    I am getting a J-Link error when I try to view the FPU registers in the IAR Workbench when using an LPC3250. I have the latest version of IAR ARM 6.3 and the J-Link info is below: Wed Nov 23, 2011 17:14:09: DLL version: V4.36e, compiled Oct 20 2011 21:20:51 Wed Nov 23, 2011 17:14:09: Firmware: J-Link ARM V6 compiled Feb 1 2011 14:28:14 If I try to view the FPU registers I get the following error box and I have to close the debugger to recover: Could not access FPU registers, no RAM area configur…

  • [font=&quot]I have a new board that we designed based on the LPC3250. We are using 16 bit external static Flash (SST39LF800A) and static ram (CY62167DV30) connected in pairs of 2 to implement 32 bit external memory. We have tried running simple examples with Keil and IAR dev tools along with Segger JLink and are having problems. Right now we are running a simple program from IRAM which simply programs a block of data in the flash chip. Sometime everything works just fine but eventually the syste…

  • Hello, I am using a board that we have designed in house that uses the NXP LPC3250 with 2 SST39LF800A flash chips connected to chip select 0 (CS0) and 2 SST39LF800A flash chips connected to CS1. Each chip is connected in 16 bit mode, 2 to the low 16 bits and 2 to the high 16 bits of the LPC3250 to provide a 32 bit memory interface. We have purchased the J-Flash license and are trying to implement flashing support to this board. I see the SST39LF800A as one of the Flash chip options but I can't s…