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  • Hi everyone, I would like to draw bitmaps on the screen with GUI_BMP_Draw(). I use this Method in the PAINT stage of the page. If I only draw the bitmap, everything is fine. I can also draw other things like Texts, Rectangles etc. It all works fine. The problem occurs as soon as i add a screen widget (like buttons, progbars, etc), which I do in the CREATE stage. When I do this the device crashes and I have to reset. Am I missing someting or is this a bug? Can someone please help. btw. I'm using …

  • Hi everyone, I'm using emWin 4.18 and would like to set the bitmap of a button. But the bitmap is not known during compile time, so i cant use something like that (which would work, btw): C Source Code (8 lines) instead i want to do something like this: C Source Code (19 lines) This works fine when I draw it on the screen with C Source Code (1 line) But when I use C Source Code (1 line) the application crashes. Can anyone help please. Thank you, Florian