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  • I increased the target speed and I was able to download the code file, but the software isn't functioning properly. I know there is code running on the board after the loadfile downloaded, because my speaker on the board beeps after pushing a button. However, my display is just showing random lines. ***Note: There is nothing wrong with the controls software or hardware and have been using IAR to download the code file for awhile. Recently been wanting to use the JLink Commander tool.*** Should I…

  • Hello Community, I am having an issue programming a LPC2478 NXP ARM7 processor, while using JLink.exe version JLink_V698c. I have no issues using IAR Systems to program the processor. Below are the steps I took in the commander tool. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you! ************************************************************************************************ SEGGER J-Link Commander V6.98c (Compiled Mar 16 2021 12:20:44) DLL version V6.98c, compiled Mar 16 2021 12:19:26 Connecting t…