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  • I am specifying a bunch of compiler options in Project -> Edit Options -> C/C++ -> Compiler -> Additional C Compiler Options. During a rebuild of my project the 'Output' console shows that not all of these options are applied. Why is that? Does Embedded Studio ignore the set flags? Thanks! See flags below as reference, and also the attached picture. Flags that SHOULD be set: -D__ARM_ARCH_7EM__ -D__ARM_ARCH_FPV4_SP_D16__ -D__SES_ARM -D__SIZEOF_WCHAR_T=4 -D__THUMB -D__XMC4000_FAMILY -D__XMC4700_Se…

  • Not sure what the answer is but I solved it fairly by running cmd Source Code (1 line) on my repo to get all files, folders and subfolder. Then I parsed out all filenames and was left with a list of subdirectories. This can be easily modified in VIM, Notepad++, etc. to look like this: Source Code (4 lines) So in 5 minutes I had all folder and their subfolders that I pasted into the User Include Directories.

  • I am trying to add user include directories and it seems like I need to add every subdirectory individually before it is recognized and can be found. E.g. the header files reside in Source Code (2 lines) When I only include C:\foo in the User Include Directories I get compiler errors about missing files. Do I need to include all sub-folders to get it working or is there a recursive way of doing it. I have quite a few sub-folders and sub-sub..directories so that means a little manual work. Also: …