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  • I have an application running under FreeRTOS with STemWin V5.40. I have setup two tasks to work with the GUI, an application task and an updater task. The first task, the application task, calls GUI_Init(), calls WM_MULTIBUF_Enable(1) and then starts an updater task. After the updater task is started, the application continues to creates multiple windows. The application then enters a loop which switches between the windows by calling GUI_BringToTop() and at then end of the loop it executes a di…

  • I found a bug in the emWinPng library when using ARGB color space with no Alpha setting the Alpha channel was being set to transparent. In the V540 version of the file: GUI_PNG.c line 400 change the line for assigning the Color to: #if (GUI_USE_ARGB) Color = b + ((U16)g << 8 ) + ((U32)r << 16) + ((U32)(255) << 24); #else