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  • Nino, Thank you for your quick reply. I have this running great using the Rtt Command line and Tenet. One question though. I run the RTTViewer.exe with the following commands. RTTViewer -autoconnect –device EFR32MG1PXXXF256 –interface swb –connection usb –speed 4000 Yet the `autoconnect` part still pops up the connection window.. I am using JLink_V634c Is this a bug?

  • Hi, I am new to the segger Jlink and I am a Python developer so please excuse my lack of experience in this area. I have a segger jlink EDU version 10.1 and I have been using it to flash firmware to our products with no problems using the `commanderscript` option of `jlink` via a subprocess connection. We have a new product that requires calibration and to do this we use the Jlink to output calibration information using the `RTT viewer.` I am writing a GUI in Python to do this automatically in p…