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  • EFS file support...

    bloggins666 - - emFile related


    IN an attempt to enable extended file names in the emfile file system, I set FS_SUPPORT_EFS to 1. The system then came up with a compile error since the EFS.h file was not present. Is this and add-on to the package purchase? The documentation seems to imply that EFS is available as a default and not an addition. Cheers!!

  • In the documentation for emfile it mentions that when using the NAND (micron MT29FWG08A) as the h/w for the file system that the memory controller should be turned off ( in order to take advantage of the better ECC performance. Are you just referring to changing the 7 lines used for CE, WE, RE, ALE, CLE, R/B and WP from Alternate Function to one of the GPIO designations for an output? I do see that in coding up the files for driving the NAND that I have to fill in the macro's for driving…